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Turkey 80/10/10 complete - 10kg

Regular price £33.00

Tax included.

 Turkey mince

80% Turkey

10% Turkey Bone

10% Turkey Liver


With the added offal it contains the following vitamins:
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E , Vitamin K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, Betaine.
And minerals:
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium
This mince is an easy and fast way to add a good source of bone, offal and meat to your animal's diet.
No more messy mixing and measuring simply thaw and feed.
All of the ingredients of this mince are human grade, they are quickly processed and frozen.


20 x 500g(approx) blocks

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